5366 1167 / 5620 9209
型號: WR-502019-CP
$452 $362
尚有疑問? WhatsApp 即時客服: 5620 9209
G3/8 Angle Valve (1 pair) (+$80)
Walrus / 502019 / Self-Closing Basin Faucet
*Product photos, dimensions and color are for reference only. Please prevail in kind.
Walrus(華樂詩) 是意大利品牌,專業的衛浴產品製造及銷售企業。致力於為用家提供健康、環保、耐用的產品。浴室潔具產品,包括座廁、浴缸、面盆、面盆櫃、鏡箱及浴室/廚房掛件等,從單一的潔具產品到整體家居解決方案。
America Moen Kingsley 61132SRN Bath faucet with 4-function Shower head, Shower hose and wall support, Spot Resist Nickel
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