5366 1167 / 5620 9209
型號: WR-FB7345AR-OF
$3,460 $2,430
尚有疑問? WhatsApp 即時客服: 5620 9209
Bottle Trap (white) x2 (+$40)
Subtotal $2,430
Walrus / FB7345AR / Double Bowl / Undermount / S.S. Sink / With Waste / 730x450x200mm
Walrus(華樂詩) 是意大利品牌,專業的衛浴產品製造及銷售企業。致力於為用家提供健康、環保、耐用的產品。浴室潔具產品,包括座廁、浴缸、面盆、面盆櫃、鏡箱及浴室/廚房掛件等,從單一的潔具產品到整體家居解決方案。
Swiss FRANKE BOX BXX210-36 Stainless Steel Undermount/Topmount Single Bowl Kitchen Sink 400x450x200mm
Walrus FA5545AR Stainless Steel Single Bowl Undermount Sink 550X450X250mm
Walrus NH329S S-Bowl S-Drainer Over Counter S.S. Sink With Waste 915x435x160mm
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